Online Panel Help
Reset Password-Reset
This panel is linked from the logon panel and assists the user to reset their password after entering their user name and answering one of their secret questions.

Navigation Path: [Account] - [Reset Password] or [Account] - [Secure Site] - (reset password)

Step/Action Tables:
To Update the Reset Password Panel
1Point to Account on the menu bar.Drop-down submenu displays.
2Click Reset Password on the submenu or click Secure Site and then Reset Password.Reset Password panel displays.
3Type data in the User Name field. 
4Click the Security Questions button in the Reset Password panel.Reset Password panel displays.
5Type data in the 1st Answer or 2nd Answer fields. 
6Click the Reset Password button in the Reset Password panel.Reset Password panel displays.
7Type data in the New Password and Confirm Password fields. 
8Click the submit button in the Button Footer panel.Data saves.
Reset Password Layout
Extra Features:
A password can not be reset when the account is locked.  If the account is locked an error message will be displayed when submitted, "We are sorry but we could not reset this password, your account has been locked out due to 3 unsuccessful login attempts. Please contact the system administrator to have it unlocked."
Field Descriptions:
FieldDescriptionField TypeData TypeLength
cancelCancels changes made to the page.ButtonN/A0
reset passwordValidates the security questions and displays the password fields.ButtonN/A0
security questionsValidates the user name and displays the security questions.ButtonN/A0
submitResets the password and automatically logs the user in.ButtonN/A0
1st AnswerThe answer for the 1st secret question.FieldAlphanumeric20
1st Secret QuestionThe 1st secret question used to authenticate a user.FieldAlphanumeric50
2nd AnswerThe answer for the 2nd secret question.FieldAlphanumeric20
2nd Secret QuestionThe 2nd secret question used to authenticate a user.FieldAlphanumeric50
Confirm PasswordThe re-typed password of the user.FieldAlphanumeric30
New PasswordA password chosen by the user.FieldAlphanumeric30
User NameThe unique name given to this web user. They will use this to log into the system.FieldAlphanumeric8
Field Edits:
FieldField TypeError CodeError MessageTo Correct
reset password Button0One (1) question/answer set must be complete.Please enter either the 1st secret question/answer combination or the 2nd secret question/answer combination.
Button1Invalid Secret Answer(s).Make sure the answers are correct.
1st Answer Field01st Answer is required.Enter an answer for the 1st Secret Question.
Field11st Answer can not contain other than [A-Z/a-z/0-9] and blank spaces.This field allows only alphanumeric characters and blank spaces.
2nd Answer Field02nd Answer can not contain other than [A-Z/a-z/0-9] and blank spaces.This field allows only alphanumeric characters and blank spaces.
Confirm Password Field0Confirm Password is required.The field must be completed.
Field1New Password must be same as Confirm New Password.The confirm password must match the new password.
New Password Field0New Password is required.The field must be completed.
Field1The password supplied does not meet the minimum complexity requirements. Please select another password that meets all the following criteria: is at least 8 characters; has not been used in the previous 24 passwords; must not have been changed within the last 0 days; does not contain your account or full name; contains at least three of the following four character groups; English uppercase characters (A through Z); English lowercase characters (a through z); Numerals (0 through 9); Non-alphabetic characters such as !, $, #, % or a blank space (no leading or trailing spaces allowed). Type a password which meets these requirements in both text boxes. Please validate your passwords to meet the criteria.
User Name Field0User Name is required.The field must be completed.
Field1Invalid User entered.Ensure the correct username is entered.
Field2Clerk ID must be less than or equal to 8 characters in length.Enter a User Name of less than 8 characters.
Field3User Name can not contain other than [A-Z/a-z/0-9].User Name must be alphanumeric.